Film Review: Bullet Train (2022)

Theatrical poster for Bullet Train (2022). I just want to start off by saying that I ASPIRE to write a script so delightfully convoluted, and thoroughly enjoyable. Bullet Train is an action/thriller (dare I say, /comedy) in the tradition of Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (1998) or Pulp Fiction (1994). It’s fun without being… Continue reading Film Review: Bullet Train (2022)

An Ultimatum & Fan Builds

So… I’ve made a decision. A fast, if you will. One of the things I’ve struggled with for years is, well, the basic logistics of survival. I’ve been perpetually poor and chronically homeless my entire adult life. Which is incredibly frustrating, because I work too damned hard all the time on a million things, and… Continue reading An Ultimatum & Fan Builds

Film Review: The King’s Man (2021)

So… I just watched the newest Kingsman film, The King's Man (2021), and predictably, I LOVED IT. To absolutely no one's surprise. Massive spoilers and fanboying ahead. I remember when the first one came out -- I'd been wanting to watch it firstly as a Mark Hammill fan (don't judge me…), but also because as… Continue reading Film Review: The King’s Man (2021)

Django Unchained (2012) & The Hateful Eight (2015) (Extended Edition)

A detailed review of Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained & The Hateful Eight. Trigger warnings: violence, cursing, history-typical racism, racial slurs, racist ideologies, and foul language.